Friday, June 26, 2009

Diary of a mad pregnant woman

Well I'm now 35 weeks preggers. And Cameron came at 35 weeks. So needless to say, I'm thinking maybe soon. And after some irregular contractions, I visited my doc to find out that I'm already 3 cm dilated. WOW! Now this means little to nothing in the pregnancy world. I could have her today. I could have her in 3 weeks. Who knows? I do know that regardless of it not being quite time, I am ready. Maybe not ready in the sense of taking care of a third child. But definitely in the sense of getting this chunkster out of me. I am so uncomfortable lately and sleep is something I haven't seen in a while. Good sleep at least. I'm ready to wear my normal clothes again, ready to be able to put my own socks on, and so so ready for a frozen margarita.

So it may be soon, may be later. I'll keep ya posted.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Put a sock in it....or on it!

Okay so not my best picture. But honestly, I'm not at my best right now. I am sitting here absolutely miserable. And by miserable I mean completely and utterly over being pregnant. My back hurts, I have terrible pressure which makes it hard to walk. The heartburn is relentless, and sleep is a thing of yesterday, or should I say yestermonth. Yes, I am miserable and here by myself with these kids by myself. So I'm sitting here checking my email when a sock flies through the air courtesy of little Cameron and lands directly on my head. This is the look my webcam caught. Pretty huh? As my children both laugh hysterically, I temporarily forget the uncomfortableness I feel and I have to laugh as well.
No matter how much I am completely over this, and no matter how tired I am, my kids remind me several times a day that laughter can heal all.
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