Saturday, November 29, 2008

I am so NOT a country girl

So for Thanksgiving the kids and I (Robert had to work) went to Pennsylvania, or as I call it Pennsyltuckey, to visit with my cousin. She lives in York, PA on a small horse farm with three horses, seven indoor birds, and a fat cat that resembles Garfield. It is a beautiful country area, lots of long winding roads, hills as far as you can see and absolutely nothing to do. Now I know I am always complaining that I don't get time for relaxing, however this is crazy. I was there just three days and I did absolutely nothing. There isn't particularly anywhere close to go, it is cold as crap on top of that hill, and I get lost just leaving the driveway.

I did enjoy visiting with my cousin Laura, and my other cousin Jenny from Baltimore. We had a great time together with lots of laughing. So while I am soooo not country, I will be going back......but it is gonna have to warm up a bit first.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


With Thanksgiving approaching rapidly I feel the need to put aside my bitterness and bad attitude and give thanks for the important things in my life. The things for which I am soooo grateful.

I am most grateful for my kids. I have been blessed with two beautiful children who can sometimes be a challenge, but have undoubtedly been the best thing that has ever happened to me.

I am grateful for my husband...SOMETIMES. Just kidding. I think many times of what I may be faced with if I weren't married. Luckily I am fortunate enough to have someone who knows my quirks and my OCD behaviors and still stays. Of course he is nutty....but since this is a "grateful post" we will leave it at that.

I am grateful for my job and for the flexibility that has been given to me so that I might be able to take care of Cameron.

I am thankful for many helps we have been given in regards to Cameron. We have a huge support network and have some of the best therapists out there.

Lastly, I am grateful for my FRIENDS! I know that I am a nutter too. I have many issues but these friends stick by me regardless. They put up with it all and are always there to support whatever I need.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Therapy Dog. HA

About 9 months ago, I read an article in the local newspaper about a child with DS who had a therapy dog. The story highlighted how this child had learned to walk with the help of this "service dog". We have been lucky enough to have the priveledge of working with a great therapy dog at Cameron's therapy appointments on occasion, but thought that he may benefit from having more prolonged contact to a service dog. So the search began. I searched high and low with little result for quite a while. I finally found a company in Nevada that agreed to provide a dog for Cameron (with about a $2800 charge). The dog, Chance, whom I call Carl, arrived in September. He is a Rottweiler, as is the dog that Cameron plays with so willingly in therapy. The difference is that our dog is a small 80 pounds and the dog at therapy is a monster named tank weighing 150 pounds. The kicker.....Cameron hates Chance or Carl or whatever we call him. He wants nothing to do with him. I figured this would change after he got used to him, but still nothing. It is actually kind of amusing. We spent all this time and effort to get a service dog to help Cameron, and he hates him. HILARIOUS! So now we have a very expensive "pet". Good news is, Chance loves our family. He has adapted very well and fits in perfectly with his goofy personality.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Disney World

Okay! So I have been back from Disney World for a couple of weeks now. But it is still so fresh in my mind. And yes, I have been twice this year. So what. Is there any happier place on this earth? I think not. No, I know not. Forget the long lines, the millions of people, and the ridiculous amounts of money you spend when you are there, just go with it and enjoy the time you have there. I am in mourning. I just want to go back. I could move there and be a character. The evil step mother from Cinderella? What could be better than living in the happiest place on earth while being allowed to walk around with a smug attitude and never have to smile. That's it. I am moving!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Good Riddens Golf!

It's official. All of the scheduled events for DSAVP have been completed. And with great success might I add! We have made such progress this year while wearing our selves down completely. READ MY LIPS WENDY: It's time for a break! Now we can dedicate our time to things that will more directly apply to our children....maybe! I am so very proud of the accomplishments of this SMALL group of just a few.

I will add that golf makes no sense to me! It became quickly apparent to me yesterday that I have no idea what golf etiquette is. Funny enough, my best partner in crime does. I have never played golf, but have to say, what the heck is the point? It is a bunch of guys walking around in funny clothes hitting little balls with expensive sticks. And what is it with the high and mighty attitude of the club members? I did notice that they even have a special "toilet" to crap in! You get a lot of benefits for paying tons of money to join a club.

At this point, we can officially say that I will never be on the golf course. I would be more likely to play football!
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