Saturday, May 1, 2010

IEP 2010

We have just completed our 2010 IEP process. While I do hear horror stories about these things, I am glad to report that ours has been another care free experience. We have been extremly blessed to have a team of teachers/therapists that adore Cameron. They praise him repeatedly and are just as proud about his progress as we are. That makes things easier for us. Things for next year will continue pretty much the same. Cameron will be in the integrated preschool program again but will attend 4 afternoons a week. They are moving the older children to the afternoon session and since this will be Cameron's last year before kindergarten, he will be included in that group. Luckily, this will not interfere with our "private" therapy schedule that I still insist on. Cameron will continue to ride the bus to a different school than our home school because our home school does not host this intergrated preschool but I am fine with that. This works so well for Cameron that I don't mind that this school is a bit further away. Therapies such as OT, PT and Speech will continue at school and because he will be there more this year, they were actually able to increase these therapies slightly. While Cameron continues to have low percentile scores on the testing parts, he is progressing nicely. Making improvements in all areas and meeting all of his goals. I am going to cross my fingers that our experiences with IEP's continue to be as pleasant as this one was. And I will continue to be grateful for the truly caring teachers and staff that treat Cameron just like any other student, leaving me with a reassured feeling that Cameron is in good hands!!

1 comment:

Beth said...

Wow! You've got a good deal going on there! WTG Cameron!

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