Thursday, October 29, 2009

21 Things About Cameron

Okay, so I stole this idea from someone else (sorry Beth) but it seemed like a good idea. So here goes. 21 things about my little Cam.......

1. Cameron only weighed 5lbs, 4oz when born
2. He had heart surgery at just 6 months
3. Although he has 47 chromosomes, he does incredibly well
4. Cameron recently got a dog who he calls Bee Curtis.
5. He goes to school 3 days a week
6. He goes to 4 different therapy appointments a week.
7. He has many nicknames including, Cam, bird, scooter, and sweet baboo.
8. Cameron is a nanny's boy
9. He is a great little brother and a very loving big brother.
10. During a recent fundraiser, Cameron learned to say very clearly "Guys, Beer"
11. While his speech may be delayed he is very proficiant in any "ugly" words he happens to over hear.
12. Cameron didn't start walking until 3 1/2
13. He has been known to go outside on his own saying that he is going to WaWa for coffee.
14. Cameron loves books. He can sit forever and look at books.
15. He loves to have his picture taken and many times will smile a goofy fake looking smile when he sees the camera.
16. Cam's favorite show is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on Disney, and he also likes Two and a Half Men.
17. He is able to tell us where to turn in the car to get to certain locations. Mostly restaurants but also Nanny's, Grandma's and other friends's houses.
18. Cameron doesn't sleep well, but is rarely in a bad mood.
19. He loves to ride his bike (which I will add that we have to push while he steers and we spend a lot of time heading toward the ditch)
20. Cameron is a great dancer. He knows how to raise the roof, bring it back down and walk like an Egyptian.
21. Most importantly, Cameron is a loving and energetic little boy who brings absolute joy to all those who are lucky enough to be around him.


My name is Sarah said...

Oh yea I LOVE Two and a Half Men. I watch it with my dad.

Monica said...

okay, I just found your blog from Hannah's Shenanigans and was laughing when I read One of Cameron's favorite show's is Two and a half men, Adam loves that show also and I sometimes get mad that my hubby lets him watch it, though I can't seem to change the channel either because I'm laughing at the funny show too!!! Made me smile when I went to comment and saw that Sarah also loves Two and a half men!!!! I look forward to reading more about Cameron and his family!

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