Sunday, November 1, 2009

Crick or Creat

This was really the first Halloween that Cameron has been able  to enjoy. He has gone every year since he was born, but this year is he is talking and finally he is walking. The costume he is wearing is actually too small but he tried it on in Target and then just had to have it. The hat has been worn all over the house ever since and we've all been laughing at him. Little Rylee got her costume compliments of a good friend who has everything anyone could ever need. Whatever I'm in need of, I just need to tell Wendy, cause she either has it or knows how I can find it.....! You'll notice that my oldest child is not present in these pictures. It is not because he has had the swine flu (cause he was better), it is because he refused to wear a costume and then proceeded to trick or treat without one. My neighbors are obviously better than I am- I wouldn't have given him any candy. I did tell one lady who asked what he was, that he was dressed as a pain in the tail. He is enterering those pesky pre-teen years that are not so fun, and which also lead to the real not so fun times, teenage years!

Despite that hot weather (I think I'm entering menopause since I cannot deal with heat lately) and the rain, we had a terrific time. We pushed the two little ones around in the double stroller in our neighborhood which was great. The houses are very close and the driveways are short. Cameron walked up to every door and said "Crick or Creat". He even started to do it without my prompting and of course used his manners and said thank you too! Everyone he met thought he was just adorable.

We did quite a few houses in our area (filled up both boy's buckets), then trecked the few blocks to the in-laws house for a visit. Cameron wanted more trick or treat so we went a few houses down and Cameron was able to visit with an OT therapist that treated him when he was an infant. I don't believe he remembers her but she loved to see him and was so proud at all he has accomplished.

Now on to our pre-Halloween foolishness. Earlier this week, Cameron came into the living room like this.

It's a piece from the mister potato head set we have. He was actually just holding it there but I thought, why not tape it there for some real fun. The fun didn't end there either. Cause ya know I had to try it out.......

I look terrible and that has nothing to do with the mustache. But it was all good fun either way. Wait to Robert sees this.

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