Well, it's been a whole week since Cameron has gone to school. Last week, the remnants of IDA and a nor easter came through our area bringing big problems. Enough problems that schools in all the surrounding areas were closed on Thursday and Friday. I'm tellin you that having kids home during a storm only makes things more difficult. On Thursday night, I had both boys in bed with me and the B-Curtis. It seems the only one who got a good nights sleep was Rylee.
School did reopen yesterday however Cameron has been blessed with pink eye yet again. He had pink eye just last week and was treated with oral antibiotics. This week when the infection returned, I tried antibiotics but he has apparently developed a resistance to them. Terrific. So we were at the door waiting for the doctor's office to open this morning so we could get a stronger RX. Hopefully this works. I will say however that this pink eye has made my day a little less stressful since we were able to get out of therapy for both today and tomorrow. Boy, it's sad when you enjoy sickness just because it calms your life down a bit.
In other exciting news....! I finally heard back about the sleep study. I got a call this morning from the ENT's nurse saying the doc had reviewed the results and there was mild obstruction and that they would re-evaluate later for surgery. NOT! I wanted to tell them they could evaluate tonight because I was bringing Cameron to them so that they could see for theirselves what his sleeping is like. I find it funny that after everything I've told them and finding that there is obstruction whether it be mild or severe, they are wanting to do nothing. Hello, isn't obstruction not great even if it's mild? I told the nurse I was not in agreeance with this and that I would like to have the doctor reevaluate his decision now, that I was not wanting to wait to do something that was inevetible anyway. So I just got a call back saying that the doc agreed and they are going to schedule a T& A surgery. Now don't get me wrong. I don't ever want my children going through surgery, however I also don't want them suffering through treatable things and I also would rather them just go ahead and do this instead of waiting til he's older. UGH. But either way, it has worked out I guess. Tomorrow I go to the doc to schedule my 2nd back surgery which I'm hoping to get done before the end of the year. Seems I'm gonna be real busy for the rest of 2009~!
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