Sunday, March 29, 2009

5 Things You Never Say to a Pregnant Woman

5.. How much have you gained?

4.. Wow! That's gonna be a big baby.

3. You don't look pregnant....just thick around the middle.

2. Aren't you scared your baby will have Down syndrome?

1. Aren't you worried you won't be able to take care of Cameron with a new baby around?

Okay guys, so let's get it right here. You don't ask pregnant woman if they are sorry they are pregnant. And most importantly you don't imply that because there is already a child with DS that all future children will be "disabled." I get a lot of unsavory questions and comments, but this tops my list. I DO have a child with DS. And if the thought of having another child with DS scared me, I would not have gotten pregnant. And just for the husband and I hope that this new addition, extra chromosome or not, has as much personality and life as our little "disabled" child.


Beth said...

I've heard this before from so many people! Sorry you're having the same trouble.

A friend of mine even had a nurse in the pediatrician's office ask about whether the "new" baby was "okay", implying that there was something wrong with the child with Ds. I'll have to hunt up that post!

Wendy said...

Chromosomally enhanced or not in existence already (other two chillins) with parents like you and Burt how could they not have personality!!

However when you have twins I get one right!!

:-) That wasn't on the list of things not to say!

Kim said...

Funny! I've actually had someone else claim one of the "nonexistant" twins already. But nice try. Besides Wendy, aren't you already sorry you have so many kids?

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