Saturday, March 14, 2009

And they say "it's a girl"

So the news is in. The ultrasound tech says it's a girl. I am shocked. Robert is ecstatic. And every one of my friends is excited to see me finally get my girl. My mom is talking bows and lace and all I can think of is periods and boobies. Oh and the dates, the talking to boys on the phone and wearing short skirts. Lol. This is hilarious to me. I am not a girly girl. While I'm super excited to be finally getting some "girl power" in this house, I am not sure how I, a not so girly girl, will have a little girl. This kind of terror is normal. I was terrified when Alek was coming, and then even more terrified as Cameron was coming. Now I think of having three kids at one time and I wonder....was I I crazy?

Okay enough for the crazy, pregnant ranting. YEE HAW, we're having a little girl. Out with the blue and in with the pink. OH and the name is Kim Jr.


Beth said...

Excellent choice of name.

Hannah was reading over my shoulder and she said, "You mean she's got a baby growing in her uterus, just like I did in your uterus? A baby girl? Tomorrow?"

Now she says, "Hi Miss Kim! Congratulations!" (please don't notice that it's 10:38 and she's still up.)

Kim said...

I'm a little scared that your child knows about the uterus. I still don't know what that is. LOL.

Wendy said...

I think her name should be Kimette

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