Sunday, March 22, 2009

Will work for Candy

A couple of nights ago, Cameron asked me to go potty. His potty plays music when you make a deposit, but Cameron has learned that there is also a button on the underside where "mommy" can make the magic happen. So this music thing doesn't seem to be working. I told Cameron that if he used the potty, he would get a treat. This worked great for Alek, and to my surprise actually persuaded Cameron to go.

Fast forward to tonight. We all know that moms cannot use the bathroom by theirselves, so Cameron comes in and lays down and says potty. He wants his pants off. This is what we get.

He is sitting here asking for Candy.... Candy....Candy......Candy. Cameron has a one track mind. So he just repeats himself until you do something about it.

Finally the music plays. I have to reward the kid right. So I give him 4 M&Ms. I know, I know. Everyone here criticizes me for it too. Can't give him the whole bag guys.

Good Job Cameron. Good thing we know what his motivations are!


Wendy said...

Will mom work for candy too? :-)

Beth said...

I think 4 M&Ms is generous. I think I only gave out one. Inflation I guess.

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