Saturday, July 25, 2009

And he will walk after all......

After much work Cameron has finally decided that walking may actually be easier than scooting around on his bum. He has been walking for quite a while with a walker but in the last week has decided that he can now get up onto his feet all on his own and is walking around the house in short distances. Of course his balance is still off a little (ok, a lot), but man we're making progress. Cameron is an extremely late walker even for a child with DS but he is getting there. And we are so PROUD of him for all of his hard work!


Wendy said...

That is WONDERFUL! You would think that boy was mine, since the video brought tears to my eyes and I was so proud of him. I can only imgaine how relieved, excited and proud you are!!! (especially since you did all the hard work!! Even Robbie was excited and asked to watch the video(he never wants to see stuff on the computer!)

Kim said...

I am so proud! We've been working on this task forever. Two years ago it really bothered me that he wasn't walking yet, but somewhere along the way I stopped worrying about that and focused on the many things he could do. It's true that things do come in their own time.

Beth said...

Hey hey! Look at him go! I can't wait to show James!

Great job Cameron! He looks pretty pleased with himself!

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