Friday, July 31, 2009

I've gotta vent!

Okay, so I didn't want to make my blog a bitch sesssion, but sometimes a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.

For anyone who doesn't know, I am not a drop in kinda person. In other words I don't appreciate the unannounced knock on the door or the people I usually find on the other side. It's not that I don't like to see people, but I find that usually people arrive at a bad time when the don't call first. For example, bed time, nap time, lunch time, my relax time etc. This has been worse for me since I was pregnant. I have been more irritable than usual and yes, I'm aware of it.

Problem two-! My mother in law has moved in to the neighborhood just down the street. Yes, I repeat, right down the street. She is within walking distance. UGH! This is the bigger problem of the two.

So, I've made it clear after a few of her untimely drop ins during Cameron's naps (yes, she woke him up) that she would need to call first. Did she listen??? No! So taking it a step further, I made a sign that says "sleeping, do not knock or ring bell" to hang on the front door. This has worked for everyone else, but not her. Last Tuesday I woke up to her voice at 8am. This was just 2 hours after I had gone to sleep after being up with Rylee. My mom was here looking after the boys for me, and I was resting. Resting until I was woken up by the loud voices. I don't mean to be intentionally rude, I really don't. However this is ridiculous. First, who visits anyone at 8am. And second, who does that to someone who just had a baby! For goodness sake, get a hint.

This problem escalated today when the note was hanging on the door. I was relaxing and I hear someone trying to open the front door. I decided that since she had ignored my note, I would ignore her standing there. LOL. I know, that makes me laugh too. Nope didn't work. Cause then she called the house and walked around to the back door which was open. I was so pissed that I went into my room and shut the door until she left. Luckily my mom was here again, so she was able to tell my mother in law that I was asleep. I wasn't. But who cares? How bout giving me some freaking privacy!

This is causing great distress in my life. I feel totally ignored and disrespected. I am trying my best to get used to having 3 kids. Two of them small children that require a lot of care. I am also a little emotional and very tired. So give me a break. Am I gonna have to move away to get my point across because obviously my subtle hints aren't working.

Ok- I feel better. Had to get that off my chest.


Wendy said...

UGH!! Kim I am so sorry to hear she is living SO CLOSE!! I think you should do two things. 1.) For the next week at your 2 A.M. & 4 A.M. feedings I want you to go and knock on her door! When she answers say I justed wanted to see how your were and walk away! 2.) change your sign and say visitors by appointment only(this includes neighbors, family and The Stricklands)Or put her name directly on it!

Kim said...

LOL. That is exactly what my sister in law told me to do. She said she doesn't take hints well so I should put her name on the sign....! LMAO. This is just crazy.I'm gonna have to go for a margarita to calm down.

Beth said...

Oh man! I would be so pissed off! That is entirely intrusive and WRONG! I think Robert needs to be the one who puts the boundaries on her.


Sleep is one thing I can not live without.

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