Sunday, August 9, 2009

Laundry and Diapers and Dishes oh my....

If I thought that life was busy before then I have no idea what to call this. With the endless laundry, poopie diapers and dishes that never stop I feel like I never sit down. Of course, I have never had two little kids at one time before, so this is all new to me. The days start early and end late and I never feel that there is enough time to accomplish everything.

All that being said, the worrying sets in. I am a natural born worrier. I worry about everything. That's just who I am. Next week I go back to work 3 days a week. Cameron still has therapy 4 times a week. I will still have the endless household stuff to manage and Robert is still working away from home all week. I wonder where I will find time to do the important things. When will I have time to work on potty training with Cameron. Or to keep working on his colors, his reading etc. Am I failing as a mother already? I hope as time goes on, I will acclamate to this "new" life and I will be able to fit it all in, but as of now I feel like I may be letting Cameron down. I am only 1 person trying to do 2 people's job. And the pay is horrible.

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